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In Search of the Perfect Hill

This exhibition was reprised at Elmslie House in Malvern for a week at the end of October/early November as part of the annual Autumn in Malvern Festival. The first showing was in the summer of 2022 in Ludlow and was organised by Richard Gilbert, who had the original idea of a group show of artists making work about a hill which was special to them. This year the artists were Helen Arthur, Adrienne Craddock, Richard Gilbert, Andy Johnson, Kathryn Moore and me. Here Helen, Adrienne and Richard are hanging my drawing The Beautiful View, which takes in the range of the Malverns towards the Worcester Beacon from the top of Chances Pitch near the British Camp.

We had lots of visitors and it was a worthwhile project which possibly may be repeated in future years. If so I might turn my attention to North Hill which has featured in earlier paintings.

6 December 2023